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BCx Leg & Glute Workout

live X BCX WORKOUT LEG & CARDIOThis lower body workout part of the workout from Episode 33 from our BCx Boot Camp show on It’s killer cardio and conditioning, with an emphasis on the glutes.

This is how the workout works. You have one minute to do each exercise combination, which is 10 cardio exercises (the burpees or the tuck jumps) and the rest of that same minute to do as many reps as you can of the following exercise. Live Exercise offers a free 14 day trial (just click on the free trial banner on the side of the workout page) so you can actually do the workout with us!

Workout Tips: 
You can take a 60 second break between rounds, but not between exercises.
On the second segment, start with your left leg and alternate legs each round.

There are 36 BCx Workouts to choose from – PLUS over 2,000 other workouts on LiveExercise including Yoga, Workouts with Bands, Cardio & More!

BCx Boot Camp combines strength, cardio and conditioning into one effective body sculpting workout, using a wide variety of tools & training methods. Learn more about BCx Boot Camp at


LiveXFit: Shoulder & Cardio Workout

If you’ve worked out with Steve before, you might have heard him say this is going to be a “Scardio” workout. What he means is, this is going to be a strength + cardio workout, so prepare to pour sweat! Well, this is one of those workouts! Truth is, all of our workouts on the LiveXFit shows are scardio workouts. Here’s a good example how a shoulder workout can take your breath away! Give it a try:

5 Snatches Right
15 Push Press
5 Snatches Left
15 Ladder Press
5 Snatches Right
15 Lateral Raises
5 Snatches Left

Repeat 3-5 times OR start with 20 reps of the strength moves, and drop 5 reps each round (20, 15, 10 & 5). If you go down in reps, you might want to try to go UP in weight. Pick a heavy weight or you won’t get all the goody out of this workout! Let me know what you think! 🙂

Full Body Toning Workout

Looking for a fast and super effective workout. Try this circuit out. You can do it alone for a quick full body workout, or add it to your shoulder workout for even more awesome muscle burning fun!

10 Mountain Climbers
10 Single Arm Press (one arm only)
10 Swings
10 Snatches
1 Minute of Clean, Squat, Press
Repeat doing the other arm (single arm press)

X 3 (6 rounds total)

Rest only after one full round (after completing one round on each side). Rest for no longer than 60 seconds.

This is one of 4 workouts we did on LiveXFit, Episode 27. Come join us on LiveXFit cross training show on for more great workouts!!

I also post these workouts on instagram too! !

30-Minute Full Body Workout

30-min workoutTools Needed:
Dumbbells or Barbell
Kettlebell or Dumbbell
Resistant Band (I use Bodylastics)

This workout has 4 couplets. Do each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. I use the GymBoss Interval Timer for my workouts. Do each couplet 3 times through before moving to the next couplet. You can rest 60 seconds between couplets.  If you stick to the interval times, you can do the whole workout under 30 minutes.

Click on the exercise to see video instruction. Remember! No REST besides what your interval times gives you and the 60 second break between couplets! Get ready to SWEAT!

Box Jumps 

Jump Rope
Assisted Pull Up (or pull downs)

Diagonal Knee to Elbow
Bicycle Crunch

Kettlebell Swing
Step-back dumbbell lunge

This workout is part of  LiveXFit show, Episode 21, on, available on Roku and Samsung TV.


Butt & Delt Live X Power Blitz

How to do this compound workout: This workout uses several different exercises combined together in one fluid (compound) movement. NOTE: Click on the exercises to watch video demonstration of each movement.

butt and shoulder workout

Tools: Dumbbell or Kettlebell

Before you pick up your weight, do 5 burpees. Grab the dumbbell and get ready to work! The compound movement starts with a clean (bringing the dumbbell from the floor to the shoulder), then with the weight on the shoulder go down into a squat, return to stand and go right into a 1-arm shoulder press (keeping the dumbbell overhead), then immediately to an overhead step-back lunge (with dumbbell still overhead with active shoulder), return to stand, bring dumbbell down and back to the ground to begin the whole sequence again for the 2nd rep. After 10 full reps are complete, stay standing on that last round and pump out 15 1-Arm shoulder presses. Feeeel the burrrrn!! 🙂

This is what it looks like on paper…

5 Burpees
10 Clean + Squat + Shoulder Press + Overhead Step Back Lunge
15 1-Arm Press

5 Burpees
10 Clean + Squat + Shoulder Press + Overhead Step Back Lunge
15 1-Arm Press

(6 total rounds, 3 on each side)


This is just ONE segment of our show yesterday on LiveXFit on Here’s a sample of a full show (watch me DIE!). Get a brand new show weekly on LiveExercise, available online, on Roku and on SamsungTV!

GET 14 DAYS FREE & workout with me today!

1 Workout, 3 Exercises, 5 Rounds, 100% Awesome!

lower body blitzThis was one of the segments we did on LiveXFit at LiveExercise last week. It doesn’t require a lot of resistance to really get great results either! Here’s the scoop…

Goal: Sculpt the glutes, legs, core and shoulders. The burpees continue to keep the legs warm, while getting the heart rate up and burning more calories.

Tools: You can use a band, pipe, bar, broomstick or whatever you want! I used a bodylastics band and Steve used a broom. At the gym, I use an olympic bar, but you can even use dumbbells (however I prefer using bars or bands to keep the body connected).

The Lower Body Blitz:

  • 10 BURPEES

– OR add 3 round to your existing weight routine. 


Overhead Squat:
Notice arms stay overhead (they don’t drop down in front of the face or body). Go as low as you can go while maintaining a straight back. Push with heels and keep arms locked out overhead during entire movement.

overhead squat  Screen Shot 2013-11-13 at 9.21.34 AM 

Overhead Stepback Lunges:

overhead lunge Screen Shot 2013-11-13 at 9.23.15 AM

If you like this workout, or the sample workout they offer on the site, sign up for a free 2 week trial! they have thousands of different shows to choose from for super cheap if you decide you like it!

10-MIN WORKOUT: Full Body Conditioning

push ups & squats

In BCx Boot Camp, we often refer to our workouts as “Missions”. Today’s mission is to toast your cardio, legs & upper body. This is a great workout to add as a conditioning segment to any strength workout.  Do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes.

Equipment: Plyo Box or Aerobics Step

If you don’t have a ply box, trade box jumps for one of the following exercises:
180 Degree Squat
Squat Jump
Tuck Jumps


10 Box Jumps
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Box Jumps
10 Push Ups

Matching workout graphic:

plyo box workout

Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

10-MIN WORKOUT: Shoulders & Quads

In BCx Boot Camp, we often refer to our workouts as “Missions”. Well, today’s mission is to put your cardio to the test, as well as work your shoulders, quads, glutes and core. Do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes.



Bag Nasty: (U.S.) The military name given to the fast food options in chow halls, i.e.; hot dogs and hamburgers. Also common reference for MRE’s. In the Air Force, commonly a reference to pre-packed Flight Lunches.

Thrusters: barbell, dumbbells, sandbag, kettlebells or even 2 gallons of water.
Get Ups & Snatches: dumbbells, kettlebells or 1 gallon of water.

(Click on the link for video instruction)

10 Thrusters
10 Turkish Get Ups (5 left, 5 right)
10 Thrusters
10 Snatches (5 left, 5 right)

Matching workout graphic:

BAG NASTY workout

Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


2 Biggest Fitness & Diet Mistakes

insanity#1 INSANITY – The first big mistake is doing what Albert Einstein defines as insanity – Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” As ridiculous as this may seem, people do it all the time. They workout for YEARS with absolutely no change. I understand this problem because many people simply don’t know what to do different – but the next mistake…oh my!

#2 STUPIDITY – (Please forgive me using the word “stupid” but I’m not pointing the finger – I’ve done it too). The second biggest mistake is (to me) the dumbest one of all. It’s when you get an amazing result with one formula – and then you try a new formula expecting the same result. This person KNOWS how to get success – but they keep searching for an easier way. Or, they keep trying to find someone who will tell them what they want to hear, ultimately wasting precious time they could be just doing what they know already works.

We are going to dig DEEP into this one because this one is the most unnecessary mistake of all.

Wash, Rinse & Repeat

best shape of your lifePeople often say  “I was in the best shape of my life when I __________”. They tell me they used to compete, they used to play sports, they used to do boot camp or they used to run… What I want to know is this: If you were in the best shape of your life when you “use to _________”, why aren’t you doing it now?

I often see this after boot camp. We get someone in the best shape of their life in our BCx Boot Camp program, and then they quit or start something new. I understand change is good, HOWEVER, if it’s not KEEPING you in the that state of being “the best shape of my life” maybe you need to rethink your fitness plan.

If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It?

Quit trying to fix something that wasn’t broken to begin with. You did something that worked, now do it again.

Sadly, people want to try to do as little as possible in hopes of getting the same result as doing as much as they have in the past. We do the same with eating. We see how much crap we can eat and get away with without gaining weight – and we normally fail.

You get OUT what you put IN. You can’t expect to gain muscle running. You can’t expect to burn serious calories lifting weights. You can’t expect amazing conditioning when you never tax your heart and lunges. And you can’t expect to easily pass up a donut if your workout was easy, because we all know the harder we work, the more protective over our calories we become.

BCx Boot Camp

Programs, like Boot Camps and sports conditioning (like CrossFit), combine different exercise methods to work strength, stamina and cardio all in one workout – as well as we make it tough enough that you think twice about blowing your hard work on crappy food choices. It’s all in the design of our programming – and the same goes with having a personal trainer, training for a show or doing other intense style training programs.

I’m not saying our BCx Boot Camp program is the only program to deliver results. (Here’s a sample of what someone can do in 6 weeks of Boot Camp.) What I’m saying is, unless you continue that same intensity of training with the same type of dieting that once delivered you amazing results, you can’t try something totally different, or cut back, and expect the same result.

It doesn’t mean you have to workout 6 days a week and beat your body up the way you might have to lose weight and get in shape, but once you hit maintenance, you shouldn’t just quit – and unfortunately, that’s exactly what people do. They join a gym and do a program for 4-6 weeks and then you never see them again.

You should be in “get fit mode” or “stay fit mode” – never just “off”. 

If you have been missing the fitter version of you, I encourage you to think back to what you were doing when you felt your best – and just simply repeat it. There’s no need to try something new. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Do BCx

Don’t have access to a program like BCx? Get the same workbook our Boot Campers follow online, and follow our killer 4-week online training program.  For those of you who aren’t local, or haven’t done our BCx Boot Camp programs online yet, here’s video footage of our program here in Vero Beach, Florida.

Learn more about BCx at

NEW! >>> Join and workout with Steve and I on X Fit – powered by  BCx!

The Long Mile Cardio and Conditioning Workout

box jumps stars

Bored of running? Well here’s a workout that incorporates running and full-body conditioning all in one killer fat-burning calorie-scorching workout!

1/4 Mile Sprint
10 Tuck Jumps
10 Thrusters
10 Box Jumps
10 Push Ups
10 Wall Ups

If you try this workout – post your time below! I’d LOVE to see how you do! …and you can come back and do it again and see if you can beat your old time!

Here’s the matching graphic if you want to share what you did! 🙂

The Long Mile Workout

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.