Snack SMART: Breakfast, Cereal and Protein Bar Comparison

Smart BarI recently was introduced to a new kind of protein bar, called the SMART bar. If you have followed me for any length of time, it probably didn’t take long to see that I like my protein supplements.

When it comes to bars, I’m a bit picky. I want at least 10gms of protein, but I also don’t want that many calories. I also want it to taste good. I’m not going to eat cardboard just because it has protein in it. Sorry, I want to enjoy my food thank you very much. 🙂 Ufortunately, many bars are extremely high in calories. Thank goodness, more bar companies are making smaller versions of the old 30gms-of-protein-and-a million-calories kind of bars. Even if it’s packed with protein, it normally tips the caloric scale for most calorie-conscience people. Then SMART enters the world.

Before I give you the scoop on SMART, I should tell you I have probably 5-6 types of bars in my pantry right now. I like chocolate ones, peanut butter ones, caramel ones, crunchy ones and gooey ones. Some are higher in calories and protein, some are lower in calories and protein. Some make great snacks, and some are more like a meal replacement when I’m in a bind. What I’m saying is, there are different bars for different people and different purposes. The SMART bar, however, is definitely one of my favorites for light snacks and breakfasts.


I could tell you how healthy it is, that’s gluten free, low in sugar, and all that jazz (and don’t worry, I will in a sec), but first I’m going to just tell you what my taste buds say about the bar – because honestly, if they don’t like it, it ain’t going to make it past them to my belly!

SMART barAs a coffee lover (don’t hate! Everyone has their vise, and mine is coffee – LOVE IT!), I really enjoy having a bar with coffee when I don’t have time for a sit-down breakfast. However, some bars are too sweet for me and they upset my stomach. The SMART bar is an oatmeal bar that is mildly sweet, which makes for a great breakfast bar on the go. Unlike regular cereal bars, the SMART bar is low in sugar (only 4gms!), which is 50-80% less sugar than many of it’s competitors. It has 10gms of protein and 3gms of fiber so it is filling and stays with me. And the best part, is it’s SUPER low in calories – only costing me 130 calories to eat!


smart barNot only is this bar low in calories and tastes good, this bar is sure easy to take on the go because it doesn’t melt or crumble like a lot of chocolate covered bars. This makes it a great bar to keep in your car, purse or gym bag in case of emergencies. It also makes it a great bar to grab for the car ride to work (like you see at the top of this blog). I actually took this on the way to work last week when I discovered I nearly forgot about an early morning appointment. Since this bar is a soft bar with a nice moist solid consistency, it makes eating and driving mess-free. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten out of my car only to discover a doo-doo brown chocolate smudge on the back of my pants because a bar crumbled in my lap with each bit! ha! (Please tell me I’m not the only one this happens too???!!!!) 😛


After I read the label, I knew it would crush a lot of snack bars. Most low-calorie breakfast and snack bars are much lower in protein, but higher in carbs and sugar. Protein bars that have 10gms of protein or more are normally much higher in calories, carbs, sugar and fat. And, if you are going gluten-free or paleo, a lot of those bars are high in fat and/or carbs but lower in protein than I prefer – and normally way higher in calories. While I will still enjoy all these type bars too, (like I said, there is a place for all of that), I just love having a low-calorie healthy option.

It’s one thing for ME to tell you I like this bar, but it’s another thing for YOU to see how it compares for yourself. So, I did a little research. I picked a few different types of snack-like bars (from cereal bars to paleo bars) that were comparable to the SMART bar to compare nutritional information.

After doing the research and listing the information, it is clear that SMART bars are a SMART choice if you are looking for a bar low in calories, carbs, fats and sugars with a healthy dose of protein in it. Awesome snack bar! Check it out!

protein bar comparison chart

Smart Bar FAQs

  • Low in Calories
  • Low-fat
  • 50-80% less sugar
  • Certified gluten free
  • 9g of whole grains
  • 3g fiber
  • Certified gluten free, organic rolled oats
  • Real organic or baked fruit
  • 38% organically raised ingredients
  • No hydrogenated oils
  • Cocoa and palm kernel oil is certified by the Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Fairtrade, and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
  • Minimal artificial sweetener (Stevia) because it relies mainly on the sweetness mainly from fruit
  • Not Vegan or Kosher (however they do use a certified porcine free gelatin source.)

See all the FAQ information on their website.


What flavor would you like to try? Apple or Blueberry? Comment below for a chance to win a box of SMART bars to try out yourself! I’ll pick 3 winners HERE and 2 winners on Facebook when you share this comparison chart from my facebook page!

(Note: Cranberry coming soon)

Detour SMART bars are available online at and, and in select retailers including GNC, Vitamin Shoppe and Vitamin World, with the bars becoming more widely available over the coming months.

About Bonnie Pfiester

Fitness Columnist and Healthy Lifestyle Coach, Owner of Lift Vero, Transformation Center and Gym in Vero Beach, Florida.

Posted on October 16, 2013, in Diet & Nutrition Tips, Healthy Snacks, PFOODIE, product reviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 34 Comments.

  1. Apple:)

  2. Blueberry

  3. I love the Cliff bars befoe a race. They are loaded with carbs and taste great. I usually don’t eat these tpes of things as snacks, just like I don’t drink sports drinks wen I’m hanging out.
    So many people think these energy beverages will give them a boost when all they really get are the extra carbs they would need if they were exercising. They should stick to coffee!

  4. Blueberry. These sound great, thanks for doing this comparison.

  5. Blueberry
    Cranberry sounds wonderful:)
    Can you buy these any where?

  6. I’d love to try a blueberry one! They seem like a great option. My only problem would be stopping at just one!

  7. I’d love to try Apple! My husband and I always have a couple of boxes of Special K protein bars in the pantry for a quick meal on the go. We like that they’re 170 calories and 10 grams of protein. LOVE the chocolate caramel flavor, but the chips fall off the bar and into our laps without us noticing it! I laughed out loud at your “doo doo brown chocolate smudge” because we TOTALLY relate! Thanks for the review; we’ll have to try the SMART bars.

  8. Definitely blueberry! Thanks for doing this comparison. I wanted to see how they held up in comparison to my current favorite Quest bars. I think I will love them both for different reasons. I can see enjoying a nice blueberry SMART bar with coffee and save the Quest bars for more of a meal replacement. And no, you aren’t the only one, sadly I can relate to the poo poo smudge hehehe…

  9. Would love to try the apple..this bar sounds awesome. I currently eat quest bars but always looking for a newer healthier one

  10. I’m so excited to read about these bars! I’m a mom of 3 and a teacher. I am always running out the door in the morning. These bars sound like a great breakfast option when I don’t have time to make my protein shake for breakfast. A bar that I love crumbles leaving me also with that doo doo fear on the back of my pants! Ha ha! My 8th grade students would never let me live that one down! Thanks Bonnie as always for great insight!

    • Oh, I forgot – either flavor would be awesome, but if I had to choose I would say apple b/c I can’t get my daughter to eat blueberry anything lately! 😒😊

  11. Would love to try apple, there are no protein bars that I am aware of that are apple flavored. Maybe it will taste like Apple pie, without all the high calories, carbs, fat, sugar, sodium, etc….

  12. I love protein bars and basically live off if them. I’ve never tried this brand and would love to try the blueberry!

  13. Gluten free and tastes good… I definitely need to try them. Tried more then a few, yuk! Can’t belie how low the calories and sugars are!! That’s AWESOME!!’ Flavor heck girl I’m not picky, just want a good taste that doesn’t taste like a chemical!!

  14. Thanks. Hope I win!!! They look awesome. Sure appreciate all of your posts. 💪

  15. Blueberry

  16. Apple would be sooo tasty!

  17. michelle peluso fit

    i would love to try apple 😉

  18. Love to try blueberry

  19. I’d love to try apple! Thanks so much for the comparison chart. I am always looking for a healthy, quick snack to toss into my golf bag. Great article!

  20. apple please:)

  21. Apple for the fall! 🙂

  22. I would love apple, but they both sound wonderful! What a great, quick breakfast or snack!

  23. blueberry!

  24. Blueberry! 🙂

  25. Blueberry sounds great!

  26. this is one of the better bars imo…not sure if yet available in usa
    …created by a gal who suffers from crohn’s disease so she needed something
    very healthy and digestible, free of alot of irritating fillers.
    …the newest maple bar is a whopper for fibre too..low sugar, and equal parts protein and carbs

  27. This chart is invalid. The fiber content of each bar is not listed. It’s carbs minis fiber to give you net carbs. It’s a shame big companies get away with lying.

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